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shraddha Rehab Center

Plot No:14, Ground Floor, Gopalaya Building, DP Colony, PGRoad

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+91 40-49500666

Shraddha Rehabilitation Center

Few Words About Shraddha Rehab

Shraddha Rehabilitation Center was Established in the year 2016 started with 5 bedded now it has expanded to 25 bedded. We equip them with knowledge and skills to build a quality Service.

Shraddha Rehab Center achieved Vaidya Sree Award 2018 at Megacity Navakala Vedika. The Award of Approval® is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective patient care.

Shraddha Touch

Shraddha is a stem down inpatient center

Shraddha Philosophy

It's not just caring for the patient.. it's caring about them.

Our patient Reviews

We Look At The Service personally

Patient Feedback

After Treatment

Before Treatment

Before Treatment

After Treatment

After Treatment

Before Treatment

After Treatment

In Rehabilitation, Our medicine is Our People.

Our Services

Ortho Care

Mobility, balance and arm/hand function mean independence and ensure a high quality of life. That is why movement therapy (physiotherapy & occupational therapy) is an integral part of any stroke recovery treatment. We combine different training methods with high-tech equipment to achieve the best for our patients.


Any brain injury can reduce the ability to pay attention, to memorise and to think and plan ahead. We use, examine and train all the so-called higher cognitive functions such as abstract reasoning, memory, spatial imagination and attention. The training uses computer based exercises or daily life situation base on the patient’s interests and needs.


Pulmonary rehabilitation is a supervised program that includes exercise training, health education, and breathing techniques for people who have certain lung conditions or lung problems due to other conditions. ... Rarely, physical activity during the program can cause problems, such as injuries to your muscles and bones.


Geriatric rehabilitation covers three areas – normal aging due to disuse and deconditioning, cardiovascular problems like vascular disease and stroke, and skeletal problems including osteoporosis and osteoarthritis conditions such as knee and hip replacements.


Oncology is the study of cancer. An oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer. The field of oncology has three major areas: medical, surgical, and radiation. ... A surgical oncologist removes the tumor and nearby tissue during surgery.


Pediatric rehabilitation has several guiding principles based upon the nature of recovery and reorganization mechanisms, as well as the age and developmental level of the patients requiring treatment

A Unique Concept for Neuro & Ortho rehabilitation 

Why Choose shraddha

Excellent Track Record.

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Transparent Fees

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Unparalleled Customer Service

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Getting You Back to Better

We create a seamless continuum for patients and physicians to ensure that you get the best care possible.